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the anchor hasn’t been lowered enough
锚不到位  detail>>
the anchor hasn’t been retaken enough
锚未收到位  detail>>
hasn't = has not.  detail>>
the cargo hasn
船上的货还没下完  detail>>
the screw hasn
螺丝没有上紧  detail>>
 adj.  充足的,足够的。 enough eggs, eggs enough 鸡蛋十分充足〔后者语气较弱〕。 enough noise to wake the dea...  detail>>
enough for
足够地,充分的  detail>>
enough of it
够了,停止吧(说话人烦了) 停止吧  detail>>
enough to
足够  detail>>
not enough
不够的  detail>>
that’s enough
真是够了  detail>>
this is not enough
这样还不够吗  detail>>
be 的过去分词。  detail>>
been be
的过去分词 过去分词  detail>>
been it
它曾经是  detail>>
lowered aileron
下偏副翼  detail>>
lowered elevator
下偏升降舵  detail>>
lowered flap
放下的襟翼  detail>>